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  • Share your experience with MOTW Photo Booth

    Photo booth

    What type of photo booth do you offer?
    Kiosk photo booth
    What is the minimum and maximum capacity of your photo booth
    1 sampai 100 orang
    What makes your product and services unique?
    A mirror photobooth is a type of interactive photobooth that incorporates large mirror as its primary interface. It's essentially a high-tech version of a traditional photo booth. Users stand in front of the mirror, and it typically features touchscreen technology where users can select different options like backgrounds, filters, or graphics to enhance their photos. The mirror also displays animations and instructions for users to follow. Once the user is ready, the mirror captures the photo, and they can instantly receive prints or digital copies of their images.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    How do you usually charge?
    negotiable price
    Do you provide softcopy of the pictures?
    Do you provide props for picture taking?
    Do you provide custom frame design?
    sesuai dengan permintaan dan kesepakan bersama
    Do you provide backdrop/booth design?
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Does your rental include attendants or technicians?
    Villa Cinere Mas Jl.Neptunus III No.5 Pisangan Ciputat Timur Tangerang Selatan 16513

    Foto cermin menggabungkan cermin, layar, perangkat lunak, dan kamera untuk mengambil gambar melalui cermin dan membagikannya secara instan berupa print foto warna dan juga melalui QR code yang akan mempermudah menyimpan foto di perangkat anda untuk dapat di simpan atau di upload ke media sosial.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.