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  • Share your experience with MOMENTO PHOTOGRAPHY


    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Candid,  Artistic,  Natural,  Black and White,  Journalism,  Portraiture
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Journalism,  Candid,  Artistic
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Beauty shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Studio shoot
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Hi-Res image, Albums,  Prints,  Digital files
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    4 weeks
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    we shoot all files with the most recent gears
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    Just the way they are. We would never make a directed picture. We would only direct during the portrait and family session.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    3 weeks
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    6-12 month prior to the wedding
    What is your payment terms?
    10% after confirmation of contract and 90% upon the final delivery
    When was your business established?
    our business started way back in 2018. we are currently one of the most prominent vendors in our field.
    Jalan Pura Demak Gang Air Mancur No. 91, Denpasar - Bali 80119

    Destinatin Prewedding and Wedding Photography

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.